Daughters in My Kingdom quote...

"We are the Lord's hands here upon the earth, with the mandate to serve and to lift His children."
Thomas S. Monson, in Daughters in My Kingdom, page 103

Sunday, November 20, 2011

December Activities

The Relief Society Christmas Dinner is being combined with the Ward Christmas Party on Saturday, December 3rd at 6:00.

Single Sisters Activity: First Presidency Devotional, leaving for conference center at 4:15. Look for sign up in Relief Society or contact Robin if you want to attend.

Ward Temple Night, December 13, 7:oo pm

Sunday, December 25, Sacrament Meeting Only-Merry Christmas!!

Friday, November 4, 2011

November Activities

November 8, Tuesday, Ward Temple Night, Salt Lake Temple, 7:00pm session
November 19, "Super Saturday" Activity, 9-12, Breakfast, Crafts & Service Project
November 20, Sunday, Single Sisters Home Evening, 6:00pm, Monson's home
November 24, Happy Thanksgiving

Save The Dates:

Relief Society Christmas Dinner, Thursday, Dec. 8
Ward Christmas Party, Saturday, December 3, 6pm

Monday, October 17, 2011

Relief Society Activity

Don't forget Tuesday, October 18th is the October Relief Society Activity at 7:00pm. There will be a cookie exchange and a pie demonstration by Melanie and Greg Liddiard. Please come and enjoy the company of the sisters in the ward.
Also all of the crafts for the November Super Saturday will be on display, so make sure you sign up!!

Tami Searle has extra squash, tomatoes, and cucumbers from her garden she would love to share. If you would like any of her garden produce please contact her.

Friday, October 7, 2011

October Activities

October 8, Saturday, High Priest Dinner and Speaker, 6:30pm
October 11, Tuesday, Ward Temple Night, 7:00pm session
October 16, Sunday, Single Sisters Home Evening, Monson's home, 6:00pm
October 18, Tuesday, Relief Society Activity, 7:00pm, Cookie Exchange and Pie Demonstration (Melanie and Greg Liddiard-yes Greg!)-I have seen their pies and they are fabulous! Don't miss out!!
October 22, Saturday Night Adult Session of Conference, Stake Center, 7pm
October 23, Sunday, Regional Conference, 10:00am, Stake Center
October 31st Happy Halloween!!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

General Relief Society Meeting 2011

The General Relief Society Meeting last Saturday was wonderful, uplifting, and inspiring. To read or watch the proceedings in their entirety or to just check out the highlights click on the following link: http://lds.org/pages/general-rs-meeting-2011?lang=eng

Make sure you get your copy of "Daughters In My Kingdom" from a member of the ward Relief Society presidency. To read more about this inspired book and how it can help you, go to: http://lds.org/relief-society/daughters-in-my-kingdom?lang=eng

No Secret

It is no secret that President Uchtdorf is a favorite of many of the sisters around the world. Of course we love the talks he gives and the peace, comfort and motivation they bring us but also because he is strikingly handsome. One of his nicknames, according to one source, is The Silver Fox. Is that ok since he is in the First Presidency?? I ran across these fun pictures of him (I had not seen before but maybe some of you have) I thought I would share.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Preparing for Conference

President Uchtdorf gives specific counsel on preparing for general conference. He teaches that "there are messages in each general conference given as a gift and a blessing from heaven specifically for our personal life situations."

He suggests three basic concepts. Find out what they are by reading "General Conference-No Ordinary Blessing," click on the following link: http://lds.org/liahona/2011/09/general-conference-no-ordinary-blessing?lang=eng

Saturday, September 10, 2011

September 11 Programs

Mormon Tabernacle Choir to “Rise Above” with 9/11 Program

visit church website for more information:

Little Cottonwood Stake Choir Presents "Let Freedom Ring"

Sunday, September 11, 2011 @6:30pm at the Stake Center

Special Guest: John Longhurst-former Tabernacle Choir Organist

September Activities

Tuesday, September 13, Ward Temple Night, 7:00pm, Salt Lake Temple
Sunday, September 18, Single Sisters FHE, Monson's home, 6:00pm
Saturday, September 24, General Relief Society Broadcast 6:00pm, Light Dinner @5:00pm, to be held at the Stake Center

September Relief Society Message:

Sunday, August 7, 2011

August Activities

August 9, Tuesday, Ward Temple Night, 7pm
August 14, Sunday, YOUNG SINGLE ADULT Fireside, 7pm, Speaker: Elizabeth Smart, 6400 South chapel
August 16, Tuesday, "Summer Fiesta" 6:30 pm at the church pavilion. Bring a neighbor, a friend and a dessert.
August 21, Sunday, Single Sisters Family Home Evening, 6pm @ the Monson's home

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Congratulations to the Ralph Family!

Penelope Rose Ralph was born Thursday, July 7th. Congrats Emilie!

July Activities

Tuesday, July 12th, Ward Temple Night, Salt Lake Temple 7:00pm session
Tuesday, July 19th, Relief Society Activity, Concert in the Park, meet at the church at 7:00 pm to carpool to the Brigham Young Historical Park
Friday, July 22nd, Single Sisters Activity, Tabernacle Choir 2011 Pioneer Day Concert, start at 7:30 pm so pickups will begin at 6:00pm. If you have not signed up please call Robin and let her know you are planning to attend, so we can give away any unused tickets. Thanks

Thursday, June 2, 2011

June Activities

June 4 Saturday, Stake Day of Service,
June 4 Saturday, Adult Session,
June 5 Sunday, Stake Conference, 10am-12noon
June 14 Tuesday, Ward Temple Night, Salt Lake Temple, 7pm session
June 19 Sunday Happy Father's Day
June 19 Sunday Single Sisters FHE, Monson's 6:00pm- yes even on Father's Day
June 21 Tuesday, Relief Society Service Project, 7pm in the Relief Society Room-We will be tying quilts and making other items that will help restock the bishop's storehouse.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Follow-up to Sunday Presidency Lesson

As part of my lesson on Sunday I talked about prioritizing according to Sister Julie B. Beck. I was unaware she had used this in her General Board R.S. Training in 2010, but here is what she included in her handout:

"Essentials"- What things must be taken care of, and if I don't take care of them, the blessings of eternal life won't be mine nor will they be my family's.
  1. Make & Renew Covenants=be in Sacrament Meeting each week
  2. Qualify for Temple Recommend and Attend Regularly
  3. Spend time in the Scriptures every day & on our knees Praying
  4. Serve Others
  1. Live (an orderly home), Eat, Work
  2. Self-Reliance (Food & clothing storage, finances)
  3. Share the Gospel
  4. Help children
  5. Spend time with family, husband, grandchildren
  6. Exercise=good health, physical strength
"Nice-To-Dos"-Add variety
  1. Hobbies: Scrapbooking, painting, crafts
  2. Reading good books
  3. Sporting events
  4. Additional exercising activities
  5. Social Media-Facebooking...(This is an addition according to Robin)
If you would like to read her talk from the 2010 BYU Women's Conference, where, as part of her talk, she disusses how she prioritizes, click on the link: http://lds.org/library/display/0,4945,9118-1-5187-1,00.html

Also, here is the quote I used from Sister Beck's 2011 BYU Women's Conference talk:
"Charity is much more than a feeling of benevolence. It is more than virtuous living. It is living as Christ lived and being as he is. It is more than niceness. It is what we are to become. We learn from the scriptures, in Alma and Moroni, that if we have not charity, we are as dross before the Lord. That if we don't have charity we cannot achieve eternal life and that we should pray with all of our hearts to be filled with charity...
...this wonderful charity is what we do and who we are and who we are becoming."
If you would like to view her entire talk I am including it also(another one of my favorites).

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Visiting Teaching

When deciding which classes to attend at the BYU Women's Conference, I decided to attend one of the classes offered on the subject of visiting teaching. Since our theme this year is "Each One Reach One" I decided it would be beneficial to attend this class. WOW, this class was one of my favorites-so glad I did not miss out! Please take time to listen and watch and learn. They are GREAT talks that will have you laughing, crying, and recommitted to being a more effective visiting teacher.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Congrats Kristy and Kingston!

What a cutie! Congratulations to Kristy and Kingston on the birth of their baby boy, Knox!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Congratulations to the Hatch Family

After 9 months and another 9 days, Hadley Hatch was born May 5, 2011. She weighed 6lbs 13 oz and was 19 inches long.
They arrived at the hospital at 3:00pm and she was born at 4:16pm-leaving no time for an epidural, so Becky had her naturally.


Friday, May 6, 2011

May Activities

May 8, Sunday-Happy Mother's Day
May 10, Tuesday-Ward Temple Night, 7:00pm Salt Lake Temple May 22, Sunday-Single Sister's FHE-Monson's Home 6:00pm
May 24, Tuesday-Weekday Relief Society Meeting-"Preparing Food Storage Meals"

Single Sisters FHE will be held the third Sunday of each month @ 6:00pm-That is the plan for now. Starting June 19th

Adoption Yard Sale-Katie Haslam

We are going to have a yardsale to help fund a private adoption. If anyone has anything they would like to donate we have a couple of drop off times on the next two Saturdays.

On both Saturday, May 7th and Saturday, May 14th:
In Murray:
9:00-10:00 a.m.
1180 E. 6600 S.
South parking lot of Stoneybrook condominiums
In Taylorsville:
10:30-11:30 a.m.
2989 W. Bernina Drive (5820 S.)
Thanks for your help!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

2011 Women's Conference

The Women's Conference is held at BYU annually each spring. I will be attending the Friday session, April 29th. Sister Beck will be speaking at the Friday morning general session and Elder and Sister Bednar will be speaking at the Friday afternoon closing session, with many great classes offered in between. If anyone would like to go with me, I will be leaving Salt Lake at about 8:30am. Here is the link if you would like information about classes and registration: http://ce.byu.edu/cw/womensconference/registration.cfm

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Weekday Relief Society Meeting

"Joy in the Garden"
Tuesday April 19th at 7:00 pm
Joy Bossi, a gardening expert, will come talk about how you can make your green thumbs even greener. Or if you are like me, turn your not so green thumb green. She will talk about gardening and container gardening. Please bring your family, friends, coworkers, neighbors...anyone interested in gardening is WELCOME! Joy will leave the last 20 minutes to answer your gardening questions.
She will help us check off of our to-do list "Plant a garden" and also help us work on "Become a gardener," of course this will only make sense to you if you were listening to conference! Wasn't it great-again!

April Activities

Tuesday, April 12, Ward Temple Night, Salt Lake Temple, 7:00 pm session
Monday, April 18, Single Sisters FHE, Monson's, 7:00 pm-changed to the 3rd Monday of the month
Tuesday, April 19, "Joy in the Garden", Relief Society weekday meeting, Relief Society room, 7 pm
Saturday, April 23rd, Single Sisters visit to the Carl Bloch exhibit, 10:00 am leaving Salt Lake

Congratulations Heather and Brad

Congrats on the birth of your baby, Zachary. He was born 03/21/2011, weighed 5.5 lbs and was 18" long. He was born 5 1/2 weeks early and is now home. YEAH!!

Congratulations Danielle Wade

Congrats to Danielle on the birth of her baby girl, Addison Danielle Hudson. She was born March 7 and weighed 5lbs.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Congratulations Tami

Congratulations to Tami Searle for winning the prestigious PTA Golden Apple Award for Outstanding Educator!! Click on the following link to view more about Tami: http://www.youtube.com/user/GraniteSchools?feature=mhum#p/c/F2A6F9EAB696C4F8/4/jjL14PQuXlY
Tami you are amazing!!

Relief Society Celebration

We enjoyed a wonderful evening. Thanks to Tami, Amber and all of the committee members who put together such a perfect activity...great food, beautiful decorations and a fabulous speaker, Mike Dunn.

Key Lime Recipe

As promised here is the link to the key lime cupcake recipe: http://www.redbookmag.com/recipes-home/tips-advice/trisha-yearwood-recipes-5
The only thing I did different for the cupcakes was to add the key lime juice to the batter and omit the last ingredient, confectioners' sugar. Trisha says you can use regular lime juice instead of key lime but I used key lime juice. Here is a picture of the bottle...I think I bought it at Fresh Market. I baked the cupcakes for 20 minutes at 350.
I did use a different recipe for the frosting.
My recipe is:
4 T of Unsalted Butter
6 oz of Cream Cheese (do not use fat free or less fat)
4 cups of Powdered Sugar
1/4 t of vanilla (I prefer to use clear vanilla if making white icing)
Depending on how much frosting you put on the cupcakes you may need more frosting than what one recipe will make.
Here is the link to the Red Velvet Cupcakes: http://www.browneyedbaker.com/2010/11/08/red-velvet-cupcakes-cream-cheese-frosting/ These I cooked for 18 minutes in my oven-do not want to overcook!
Call me if you have any questions.
Good Luck!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Relief Society Birthday Celebration

Join us for our annual Relief Society Birthday Celebration!
March 15, 2011
6:30 pm
Relief Society Room
Dinner will be followed by a wonderful guest speaker, Mike Dunn!
Mark your calendar now so you won't miss out!

Friday, March 4, 2011

March Ensign

There is a great article in the March 2011 Ensign, Home Teaching and Visiting Teaching: A Work of Ministering. We would encourage everyone to read and ponder its message. There are ideas and suggestions to help us be more effective visiting teachers. Click on the following link to read: http://lds.org/ensign/2011/03/home-teaching-and-visiting-teaching-a-work-of-ministering?lang=eng

Upcoming Activities

Sunday, March 6: Fast Sunday
Monday, March 7: Single Sisters FHE, 7:00pm, Monsons
Tuesday, March 15: Relief Society Birthday Celebration, 6:30pm, dinner and guest speaker-Mike Dunn
Saturday, March 19: Single Sisters Activity, Orchestra at Temple Square Concert, 7:30pm
Sunday, March 27: Fast Sunday
Monday, March 28: Single Sisters FHE, 7:00pm, Monsons

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Are you a scrapbooker?

Did you know that our very own Kathy Stott owns a scrapbooking store? With scrapbooking stores closing all around us it is good to know where we can go for cute and fabulous supplies. It is called Mom and Me Scrapbooking and is located at 2199 East 3300 South. She has a cute blog with lots of great ideas. http://www.momandmescrapbooking.blogspot.com/


For Your Entertainment

I thought I could develop my homemaking skills by taking a cupcake decorating class, since they ARE very popular right now. We were suppose to learn to make fabulous cupcakes "that would impress our friends and family," so I signed up! Tami even thought Ashton and I could make cupcakes for the Relief Society Birthday Celebration. Great idea! The above picture is what I envisioned...but what we got was completely different. Click on the following link to Ashton's blog to see the fruits of our labors: http://www.ashjen.blogspot.com/.
Don't worry Darla we won't be having cupid cupcakes at the R.S. party in March...or should we?

Congratulations to the Boyers!

Mack Jensen Boyer (or Macaroni as Hope likes to call him) was sealed to his parents on Thursday, February 17, 2011 in the Salt Lake Temple. What a cute family! Congratulations!
pictures to follow...

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Change of Date

There are a few things that take priority in the life of Grant Monson and Celtics basketball is one of them. He received "GREAT" tickets to the Celtics vs Jazz basketball game on Monday, February, 28th. Therefore, we have to change the date of the single sisters FHE to the following Monday, March 7th, since he is in charge of the lesson. Don't let this make you feel any less important in his life-now you know what it is like to be part of our family.


Have a recipe you would like to share? Leah is in search of recipes to go on the back of the monthly visiting teaching message. Remember there isn't much room so it cannot be lengthy. Email your recipe to llindstrom@utah.gov.

Leah will be teaching the Relief Society lesson Sunday on service. She has requested we all perform at least one Random Act of Kindness this week and come prepared to share our experience.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Rebecca Reschke's Good News

Congratulations to Jake Reschke for earning his Eagle. Yes, that is a live Bald Eagle but that is not the eagle he was awarded. He was awarded his rank as an Eagle Scout Sunday evening at the Eagle Court of Honor. Way to go Jake! Congrats also to Lizzy Reschke on her recent engagement. She will be married in May.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Relief Society Activity

Hearts Joined Together In Love
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Please come and enjoy an evening designed to celebrate togetherness
  • Conversation Containers
  • Fabric Flowers
  • Fun Conversation

Each One Reach One

Theme for 2011:
Each One Reach One

I'm Just a Visiting Teacher
I said to my friend today.
And my Father in Heaven heard me,
And I seemed to hear him say:
"Not just a visiting teacher,
A disciple with work to do,
And wherever you carry my message
My spirit goes with you."
"Some daughters of mine with burdens
seem to have lost the way
Go take them my love and my gospel
To strengthen them day by day."
"Never say you're just a visiting teacher
Have faith and you'll understand
When you enter a home with love & prayer
I take you by the hand."

Valentine's Dinner

Valentine's dinner at the Monson's home. We had an enjoyable evening with good friends and good food. As promised, here is a link to the recipe for the main dish: http://www.cookingbytheseatofmypants.com/recipes/simply-the-best-pork-loin-recipe-ever/
Do not make this recipe without the adobo seasoning-call your grocery store to see if they carry it before you go. Grant went to 5 stores at 10:30 pm and ended up buying it in Kearns. He loves a good challenge. I also reduced the ginger to 1 tsp instead of 2 and it was great-I didn't want it to be too strong. Good luck!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Gabriel and Noah Liddiard

Congratulations! Gabriel John weighed 5lbs 9 oz and Noah Mark weighed 5lbs 5 oz and both were 19 3/4 inches long. Everyone is healthy and doing great!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Congratulations to the Cook family!

Tyler Lane was born Wednesday January 12 at 3:33 PM. 7 lbs 12 oz 20 inches. What a cute family! Congratulations!

Melinda Workman is a Grandma!

Mia Kristina was born Jan 4, 2011 at 1:23 am. She was 6lb 7oz and 19 inches. Congratulations!!
To view more adorable pict's of Mia click on this link: http://blog.sweetpeaphotos.com/2011/01/mia-2/

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Thank You

On behalf of all the sisters of the LC 20th Ward Relief Society, we wish to express our deepest thanks to the recently released Relief Society Presidency and those who served with Stephanie McGee as counselors.  No one knows just how many countless hours of service were lovingly provided, the hours of lost sleep and all the good accomplished but we are so grateful for all that was given by Stephanie and her counselors and secretary.  Thank you for bearing burdens in times of need; for providing a warm meal; for offering words of kindness that soothed a troubled heart; for simply doing as the Lord commanded - to serve others...that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings, ye are only in the service of your God. Mosiah 12:17

Upcoming Activities

  • Tuesday, February 8, Ward Temple Night, Salt Lake Temple
  • Saturday, February 12, 6:00 pm-Single Sisters Valentine's Dinner at the Monsons
  • Sunday, February 13-Ward Conference
  • Tuesday, February 15-Relief Society Meeting, 7 pm-"Hearts Joined Together"
  • Saturday, February 26-Stake Women's Conference
  • Monday, February 28, 7:00 pm @ the Monsons home-Single Adult Sisters Family Home Evening