Daughters in My Kingdom quote...

"We are the Lord's hands here upon the earth, with the mandate to serve and to lift His children."
Thomas S. Monson, in Daughters in My Kingdom, page 103

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Change of Date

There are a few things that take priority in the life of Grant Monson and Celtics basketball is one of them. He received "GREAT" tickets to the Celtics vs Jazz basketball game on Monday, February, 28th. Therefore, we have to change the date of the single sisters FHE to the following Monday, March 7th, since he is in charge of the lesson. Don't let this make you feel any less important in his life-now you know what it is like to be part of our family.


  1. If it's for the Celtics you are excused!! Bring a big sign so we can see you on TV.

  2. Who will he be cheering for?????

  3. Cheering for the Celtics-of course!
